Optimize prices for your private label listings
The fastest price changes
If you're a private label seller who has listings on Amazon or Walmart Marketplace, Flashpricer is the best automated repricer for you. With instant price changes and strategies built specifically for listings with no competitors, you'll always be properly priced.
✔ Use AI to find the perfect sales velocity
Flashpricer finds your optimal price by using machine learning in order to strike the most profitable balance between profit margin and sales velocity.
✔ Save time with automated experiments
Reacts to changes in best sellers rank and ad spend to detect how those factors should influence your price. Also varies pricing by time of day to capture the most sales.
✔ Sync your prices across sales channels
Easily offset price based on listings on other marketplaces. If you sell directly through your own website, you can set limits on when to vary from that price and by how much.

The #1 private label repricing tool
Make more money with private label repricing strategies.
Flashpricer is the #1 repricing software for sellers who need automated pricing strategies for their private label listings. We have pre-built algorithms to support listings where there are no other competitors to react to.
Hundreds of private label sellers rely on Flashpricer's instant price changes, automated experiments, and effective sales velocity algorithms to optimize pricing and increase sales. With the most flexible rules of any repricer on the market, your listings will stay perfectly priced while respecting your minimum and maximum profit thresholds.
All it takes is 10 minutes to jump into a free trial. There's no credit card required and our expert Repricing Strategists are standing by to help you get set up and start taking your private label business to the next level.

"The other repricers I tried were only helpful if you compete for the Buy Box, but Flashpricer helps me optimize prices for my listings with no competition."
Orrie S. uses Flashpricer to:
✔ Algorithmically find the optimal price point
✔ Always stay above a target Return on Investment
✔ Vary pricing based on demand at different times of day
✔ Make decisions regarding ad spend and best sellers rank
Flashpricer's most popular features
The most accurate data
Explore the repricing features most loved by the smartest private label sellers.
Increase sales velocity
Finds your optimal price point faster than competing software
Strikes a balance between profit margin and sales velocity
Uses AI to create strategies when there is no competition
Automate experiments
Discovers how best sellers rank and ad spend impact price
Tries different pricing and different times of day
Looks for opportunities to improve profit margin 24/7
Keep sales channels in sync
Allows price offsets on Amazon based on Walmart; vice versa
Respects min/max rules based on your website or Shopify price
Lets you manage Amazon and Walmart listings simultaneously